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Peer-reviewed journal articles
  1. Atkinson, C, Alexiades, A.V., Encalada AC, Flecker AS, Thomas SA, and MacNeil, K. 2019. Nutrient recycling by insect and fish communities in high elevation tropical streams. Hydrobiologia.

  2. Alexiades A.V., Andrea C. Encalada, Janeth Lessmann & Juan M. Guayasamin. 2019. Spatial prediction of stream physicochemical parameters for the Napo River Basin, Ecuador, Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 34:1, 249-263, DOI:10.1080/02705060.2018.1542353

  3. Encalada A.C., Suárez E., Alexiades A.V., Lessmann J. & J. M. Guayasamin. 2018. Principales amenazas a los ecosistemas y a la biodiversidad de la cuenca alta del Río Napo. Chapter in Nuestro vivir en la Amazonía ecuatoriana: entre la finca y el petróleo. French Institute of Research Development (IRD), La Paz, Bolivia. (Spanish and French).

  4. Alexiades, A.V., Flecker, A. S. and Kraft, C. E. 2017), Nonnative fish stocking alters stream ecosystem nutrient dynamics. Ecological Applications, 27: 956–965. doi:10.1002/eap.1498

  5. Alexiades, A.V. and Encalada, A. 2017. Distribution and habitat suitability of Andean climbing catfish in the Napo River Basin, Ecuador. Tropical Conservation Science.

  6. Alexiades, A.V. and C.E. Kraft. 2016. Effects of stocked trout on stream invertebrate communities. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. DOI:10.1080/02705060.2016.1248502

  7. Auerbach, D., Buchanan, B., Alexiades, A.V., Anderson, E., Encalada, A., Larson, E., Mcmanamay, R., Poe, G., Walter, T., Flecker, A. 2016. Towards rapid, rigorous, and reproducible ecohydrologic classification of data scarce regions. Ecohydrology. DOI:10.1002/eco.1721

  8. Alexiades, A.V., B. Marcy-Quay, P.J. Sullivan, and C.E. Kraft. 2015. Measurement error in angler creel surveys. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. DOI: 10.1080/02755947.2014.996689

  9. Alexiades, A.V., W.L. Fisher. 2014. Broad-scale habitat classification variables predict maximum local abundance for native but not nonnative trout in freshwater streams. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. DOI: 10.1002/aqc.2476

  10. Alexiades, A. V., M. M. Peacock, and R. Al-Chokhachy. 2012. Movement patterns, habitat use, and survival of Lahontan cutthroat trout in the Truckee River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32(5):974-983.

  11. Alexiades, A.V., J. Dempster, and A. Gillespie. 2009. Cordillera Apolobamba, Huancasayani Valley: first ascents and new routes. American Alpine Journal. 51:190-191.

Books and Book Chapters
  1. Encalada A. C., Guayasamin J.M., Suárez E., Mena C. F., Lessmann J., Sampedro C., Martínez, P.E., Ochoa-Herrera V., Swing K., Celinšćak, M., Schreckinger J., Vieira, J., Tapia A., Serrano C., Barragán K., Andrade S., Alexiades A.V., & M. J. Troya. 2019. Los ríos de las cuencas Andino-Amazónicas: Herramientas, y guía de invertebrados para el diseño efectivo de programas de monitoreo. (Book) Trama, Quito, 224 pp.

  2. Encalada, A.C., Rieradevall, M., Rios-Touma, B., Garcia, N., Prat, N., and Alexiades, A.V. 2017. Los Ríos y Riachuelos de los Andes.  In Protocolo Simplificado y Guia de Evaluacion de la Calidad Ecologica de Rio Andinos (CERA-S). USFQ,UB,AECID, FONAG, Quito, 83 pp.

  3. Encalada A.C., Suárez E., Alexiades A., Lessmann J. & J. M. Guayasamin. 2017. Biodiversidad a lo largo de la gradiente de elevación en la cuenca alta del Río Napo. In Medio ambiente: biodiversidad y paisajes de la Amazonia ecuatoriana. French Institute of Research Development (IRD), La Paz, Bolivia. (Spanish and French).

  4. Encalada A.C., Suárez E., Alexiades A., Lessmann J. & J. M. Guayasamin. 2017. Principales amenazas a los ecosistemas y a la biodiversidad de la cuenca alta del Río Napo. In Medio ambiente: biodiversidad y paisajes de la Amazonia ecuatoriana. French Institute of Research Development (IRD), La Paz, Bolivia. (Spanish and French).  

Non-peer reviewed publications
  1. Alexiades, A.V. 2016. Fish Nutrient Excretion Rates New York. Figshare. DOI:

  2. Alexiades, AV. 2016 Part one: Searching for Singletrack on the Roof of the World. Bikepacker Magazine.

  3. Alexiades, AV. 2016 Part one: Searching for Singletrack on the Roof of the World. Bikepacker Magazine.

  4. Alexiades, A.V. 2017. Blizzards in the Desert: The Comstock Epic Part 1. Bikepacker Magazine.

  5. Alexiades, A.V. 2017. Blizzards in the Desert: The Comstock Epic Part 2. Bikepacker Magazine.

  6. Alexiades, A.V. 2017. Andean Breakfasts:Searching for Single Track Part 1. Bikepacker Magazine.

  7. Alexiades, A.V. 2017. Andean Breakfasts:Searching for Single Track Part 2. Bikepacker Magazine.

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